Monday, July 28, 2008

Pelita Trubuk

This post goes to Trubuk Masin Clan & Associates. Others may stop reading from here, but if u still insist, ders totally no harm of doing that ;p

KAMOOO!!! We miss u guys~~ anyways... We will be having our reunion soon. August to be exact, but help Mr Manager (Mr. Adi aka Kunal) to pick the day. Kamu pilih antara 9th August or 16th August (both date ari saturday tu, incase kamu mls check calendar). Majority vote will be voiced. Place, time etc. will be confirmed soon. Kamu inform kan arah Mr. Hussin Ali which date yg kamu mau. we're sure u guys know how to contact him ryt? If inda, contact kami, kami gto cana kan contact ia. Dats all for now... any update, we'll post it here :D as for now enjoy ur life~~

The last tym we were having our reunion, last year... nada semua dtg :( hopefully this time makin ramai :D

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