Monday, July 28, 2008

Pelita Trubuk

This post goes to Trubuk Masin Clan & Associates. Others may stop reading from here, but if u still insist, ders totally no harm of doing that ;p

KAMOOO!!! We miss u guys~~ anyways... We will be having our reunion soon. August to be exact, but help Mr Manager (Mr. Adi aka Kunal) to pick the day. Kamu pilih antara 9th August or 16th August (both date ari saturday tu, incase kamu mls check calendar). Majority vote will be voiced. Place, time etc. will be confirmed soon. Kamu inform kan arah Mr. Hussin Ali which date yg kamu mau. we're sure u guys know how to contact him ryt? If inda, contact kami, kami gto cana kan contact ia. Dats all for now... any update, we'll post it here :D as for now enjoy ur life~~

The last tym we were having our reunion, last year... nada semua dtg :( hopefully this time makin ramai :D

Monday, July 21, 2008

Pelita bOguS


ani sedikit info dari alai2 bOguS (alai...? pundan lesbian kmu ani eyh~)
there is one small village in Austria, which they called FUCKING (huh??)

Saya tahu bahawa ramai diantara anda tidak percaya dengan keberadaan
kampung FUCKING (atau dikenali dalam bahasa melayu, bersetubuh) ini.
Tapi ini kebenaran yang sejati (sejati dang~~ bukannya pundan, awww~~ beracun...). Jika anda tidak percaya tidak mengapa kerana kami
ada bukti yang kukuh. <<< have to use standard malay so that bash paham hehe we love u bashh~ Mwahz~

kalau nda pecaya sudahhhhh....

liatth sendiri....

haid pun ada? huhu (ketawa manja)

The village is located 33
kilometres north of Salzburg,
four kilometres east of the German border
and half an hour by car from the town
of Petting, in Bavaria. (paste bulat2 dari wiki ni ah~)

actually the pronunciation is FOOK-ing
(doesn't make so much different)

picaya kamu sdh???? kalau balum jua click here

team bOguS selepas dari FUCKING

sekian terima kasih

syg~ ada sdh? kalau ada baik owhh~
ayang pun nda tau mau sampai or inda~

(once famous di telefon bimbit anda)

Sunday, July 20, 2008


aka aka dan abg abg sekalian. hari ini, abg pijul akan mengajar aka aka dan abg abg sekalian, cara yg mudah untuk minum milo ping tapi hanya dengan membayar harga milo bukan ping.

so, barang2 yg diperlukan ialah:

1) Milo bukan ping
2) Ice cube (free ne... nda bebyr)

Step 1: Mula2 masukkan ice cube ke dalam milo bukan ping

Step 2: eh, rupanya satu step sja... ane jadi dah milo ping~~ kajutku eh... capie abg pijul ane eh, nda gto awal arh me...

senang sekali kan? jadi nikmatilah milonya ya.... selamat munap... eh salah... selamat mencoba~~ cobalah untuk setia... :D *gambar d atas a2 ruapnya ia minum cadbury, ahaha mcm milo saya liat ahaha, mcm menipu rasa alai arah abg2 eh*

p/s: if u r under 18, plz ask supervision from the adults b4 doing this, ok? muahz...


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lesson Numero Uno: dOn'T bE a SLut, wAsh uR bUTt

Here is another funny video, not by moymoypalaboy boys... but this time its by Mad TV. Mad TV is popular for their parody/spoof. Watch this clip below (not parody/spoof), and you will want more of them, just like we do :D

Just type Mad TV arh youtube and voila... byk tuh kuar... :D ENJOY!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Can You?

hppay tesuady ervyonee!!

tdaoy is His Mjatesy's 62nd brhtiady and terhfereo its a plibuc hlidaoy. ejony yuor tmie wesliy popele bceusoe we konw we do :D

Azanmig huh, taht you slitl can raed waht we are pstoing hree? :D

Heart of The Bruneian People...


Sunday, July 13, 2008


Trust us, we know how to pick a funny video. So enjoy~~~

Can't get enuff of them?? Why don't you click here, here and here. And for all of their videos, click here.

Enjoy :D

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tips by bOguS

this is kind of a new section lah ah... tips made by us, the bOguS, and alum pernah becuba... cubalah lih kamu k? my tips will be based on a scene.

bayangkan, di dalam rumah kamu ada ucing beria. den mama suruh cuci. kamu kegalian psal taie ucing atu belair2 lagi tu and mengalir2. tapi gud news, nada lalat sal taie atu arah tingkat dua, tmpt tinggi mnada lalat. kan ingkar *bahasa :D* takut bedusa *Syurga d bwh telapak kaki mama kwn2*... so mau inda mau kamu tepaksa... but instead, everytime kamu kan membersihkan, muntah plng kamu... mcm mikin jua kamah tuh.. nda pidah2 kan??? so cana nah?? aku ada tips... very easy... step by step ah...

  1. cari taie atu smpi dpt
  2. jgn d tantang lama2 taie atu *jgn talooooo*
  3. betinggung kamu arh taie atu, jan plng kana kan jubur kamu ke taie atuh... mmbarigali tia taie atu lih jubur kamu
  4. esen2 kamu mengajan taie... *if mau buat g bunyi 'plop plop' supaya mcm real*
  5. den bediri kamu and bleh dah liat taie atu ko tantang kah apakah... just make sure to set in ur mind taie ucing atu mcm taie kamu sendre... kira ampai2 atu taie kamu lah
  6. walaupun pakai tangan *make sure tangan kiri kwn2* sja membersihkan, sal dlm utak kamu, taie atu taie kamu sudah kan??? nde kan gali?? ia jua abis cuci jubur kamu cium2 tangan kamu~~~
  7. udah kamu buang taie atu... jilat tia jari kamu ah... bygkan lapas makan coklet...
  8. repeat step 7 bekali2

ok... sanangkan?? just make sure u r 18 above sudah kalau kan mencuba... and make sure u can tink hard b4 trying ok??

mind us cuz 'WE'VE SURVIVED 2 GIRLS & 1 CUP (2G 1C)' *not!!!*

Happy holiday pada yg cuti, happy observing pada yg meng-observed msa ne and happy schooling pada yg skulah :D

now, u have to wait long for the next update ahahaha...

kami sayang kamu semua.... muahz~~

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

he StanDs, U lauGh

ever wonder wut a dead terrorist has in their mind? see d clip below, he stands u laugh, its a stand up comedian *lame intro by me there ahahaha*



Monday, July 7, 2008

BiLa KaMi suDaH tiAdA

Gud morning/afternoon/evening *cross out d unnecessary* guys!!

this post is just to show y'all that bOguS"an" still "exists" tapi malas kn update blog haha

JiN rusak router, gila payah tu owh~~~ (nice one JiN, nda ko dpt tipu kami tu, mcmth nda dpt direct to modem)

n|L (a guy whom busy w his holiday and ego nda mau buat blog g, blognya pun tamat dah) & JuDe (cbuk 'menjaga' so called mini zoo nya) sibuk movie marathon, Chin Yo penakut liat ceta antu!! tapi JiN lagi takut lah haha

AiX nda tau sibuk apa, mybe masih mencari gadis idamannya *cough* "Q"

CePu sibuk main cs 'kali' (sigh~ nothing special bout that but he is "spisil" )

eOn sibuk main Guitar Hero 3 dirumah JuDe tapi kalah dah lawan c n|L (hahaha ketagih dang~)

Gang-gang bOguS nda tau behapa, chin yo myb hangout sama Pelacur "HK" kli haha

n lastly untuk tatapan tani bersama,

kalau ada masa bibir atu

so thats it for now guyS... till then


why drink& drive?
while you can smoke & fly~

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