Saturday, June 7, 2008

An Unexpected Treasure~

Jankui Every1..:)
Well this is the month of June not august nor july its june and we do expect sumtin especially for boGus NiL and myself..:) Hey its our BIRDday!:D We are getting our now!:D pubic hair grows here and there and its a fact...=.= anyways, thanx for all the greetings tho..:') its worth for us to wait till 12 in the mornin..:) hey here is the recap of what happened on the nyt of niL's birthday...

Wow a Bakerlyn Cake bought by bogus Eon!! *yuMmY*

well the cake look nice tho! but nvm..thanx anyway..

Wow it was only a silver bird cake!! hahaha :p*burp*oops

Anyway..this was the ReaL BAKERLYN CAKE!! Emmm...sOoo delicious dengan buah2an and sayur2an yang sangat pres!:D~

Logan was not suppose to be there...=.= anyway happy belated birthday Jid..:D

Dats all for tonyt..:)

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